The South Pacific Form Seven Certificate is an accredited course offered to Pacific Island nations as a qualification to enter tertiary studies or secure employment.
A total of 14 subjects (Mathematics with Calculus, Mathematics with Statistics, English, French, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accounting, Economics, Geography, History, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Agriculture, and Tourism and Hospitality) are offered through the SPFSC programme. All subjects have internal assessment components and an external examination.
The internal assessment (IA) comprises between two to four tasks which are developed and moderated by qualified professionals, under the stringent supervision of EQAP's Curriculum and Assessment team.
SPFSC curriculum's is informed by the constructive alignment principle which inspires an outcomes-based approach or design. SPFSC teachers, school leaders and coordinators are thoroughly informed on the outcomes-based approach which uses the SOLO taxonomy for the constructive alignment of, not only its curriculum, but also of its pedagogy and assessments
In addition to these targeted workshops, other SPFSC quality assurance processes include the support to teachers by provision of study guides, the use of an online system (PacSIMS) to record and manage internal assessment scores, the stringent moderation of examination papers and scoring rubrics, the tagging of specific learning outcomes to the assessment items in the assessment tasks, and the final verification of IA reports by EQAP's curriculum and assessment team.
The professionals tasked with the development, moderation and scoring of SPFSC assessments are either teachers or retired teachers who specialise in one or two of the SPFSC subjects on offer. These professionals are required to successfully complete the micro-qualification in the development of assessment instruments in order to be considered for work as SPFSC consultants. This accredited micro-qualification was initially delivered by EQAP but will soon be delivered by accredited teaching institutions.
Since the realignment of the SPFSC curriculum to the constructivist approach in 2017, students' achievement results have significantly improved across the board, including in the remotest of the SPFSC schools. Last year, despite the long periods of lockdown in the Pacific Island countries caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, SPFSC students' posted an impressive 89 per cent pass rate. This impressive achievement was largely possible due to the online learning platform provided via the SPFSC Moodle whereby students and teachers could access everything related to the SPFSC curriculum, instruction and assessment.
The SPFSC Moodle hosts a number of teaching and learning resources such as:
- Syllabi
- Study Guides (lesson notes and lesson activities)
- Digital Resources (videos, tutorials, presentations)
- Laboratory Manuals
- Interactive Assessments (for revisional purpose to be made live from the mid of the year)
- Assessments (internal assessment task information, task submission, grading and feedback)
- SPFSC Teacher Training
- SPFSC Information Pack and Resources for Teachers (forms, manuals, past year exam papers and scoring rubrics, chief scorers' reports, sample scripts, etc.)
SPFSC is a highly accredited qualification in the region, which means the SPFSC students are accepted for undergraduate programmes in the region as well as internationally. Below is a list of universities the SPFSC students can apply for their tertiary studies:
- Fiji (USP, FNU, FCA, University of Fiji)
- Papua New Guinea
- Samoa
- France
- Australia
- QTAC - Queensland Universities
- UAC - Universities of the New South Waes (UNSW) & ACT
- VTAC - Victorian Universities (including Monash University and the University of Melbourne)
- New Zealand
- China
- Malaysia
- United States of America
- Many other universities around the world
SPFSC Deadlines
March 15: 2024 Enrolment information due
April 15: Final day for submission of Internal Assessment programmes
April 30: Final day for the approval of Internal Assessment programmes
May 31: Enrolment to be finalised
June 30: Final day for the payment of examination fees
July 1: Late fee penalty starts
July 29: Registration closes
August 15: Last day for subject withdrawal with refund
August 31: Last day for award withdrawal with refund
October 28: SPFSC Examination begins
November 08: End of SPFSC Examination
November 30: Last day to receive all documents from SPFSC Supervisors
December 18: Release of SPFSC Provisional Results
December 20: Release of SPFSC Final Results
December 24: Dispatch of SPFSC certificates and results notices
Term 1 starts: 5 February
Term 1 ends: 3 May
Term 2 starts: 13 May
Term 2: 16 August
Term 3 starts: 26 August
Term 3 ends: 22 November
Term 1 starts: 12 February
Term 1 ends: 3 May
Term 2 starts: 20 May
Term 2 ends: 16 August
Term 3 starts: 2 September
Term 3 ends: 29 November